Ground Hog Day

Here we go again.

Seems like just yesterday I was going through drawers and cleaning things out.  That was two years and four months ago.  Need to be ready to move again.  Not sure where.

So I am going through drawers and closets and cleaning/donating again.

Our lease is up in May and our rental home is going on the market next week.   I hope it sells, I want the owners to be happy.  They have been wonderful to us.  However, it is stressful for us.

The vacancy rate in our area for a four bedroom home that takes dogs is 0%.

Yes, zero percent.  We were so lucky to find this home.  I do have a few things in the works, just can’t talk about it.  We will be okay.  It always works out.  At least that is what I keep telling myself.

I have learned so much over the years and now know what is important to us.

Best not to explain right now.  I will write more again after trial.



2 thoughts on “Ground Hog Day

  1. Hi Susan we are going through such a similar situation. We live in Burbank a suburb just outside of Chicago. I came across your story and I can’t tell you how much I relate to what you are saying. It’s almost as if I wrote it myself. Though our situation has not been going on as long as yours. We just received our appraisal after a year of hearing nothing. I don’t sleep much either and when i do the first thing that hits me in the morning is that my home isn’t really mine and you know all to well what a struggle that is to face every day. My husband and I have lived in this town all our lives. We have lived in this house 22 years we raised 2 children here and I like you thought this was our forever house. We have put everything we have into it but the city has decided to takes ours and 14 others to expand an existing reservoir that sits behind us. The appraisal amount we rcvd yesterday is just ridiculous. I am simply at a loss right now. i never dreamed I would see a story so close to what’s happening to us. I feel terrible for you and your family and wanted to let you know that there is somebody else out here who really understands. From what I’ve read that you wrote I believe my next step is to get an attorney although I had hoped that I didn’t need to do that. Most people in this city think we are going to be compensated so well for this but they are so wrong. There is no amount that can justify what is being taken from us and not to mention what it has done to us emotionally.

    • Thank you so much for sharing a little of your story. I have found that most people do not want to talk about going through Eminent Domain. I am trying to reach people that have or are going through the process to connect people to each other.

      I sent you a personal email from my home account. I put “hello” in the subject line, so it may have gone into your “junk” mail.


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