One week from today, the county will own our home. Wow. This is so real and unreal at the same time. I know I said it before, but I cannot believe this happened to us. I cannot believe this happens to anyone.
A week ago I came across another story about eminent domain, this one is being told by a young man who I believe is a high school senior. His email was on his website and I sent him a brief email to try to connect and learn more about his story. He replied this morning and we will hopefully connect and I can learn more about what his story is and what he has gone through. He did tell me his family is loosing their home within the year.
Our rainbow playset was moved over from 4020 this morning. Shed should be moved Monday or Tuesday. I cannot believe what we have done and had done in the last two weeks. This is insane.
Soon, I will not be writing on a regular basis, but rather going into the background story and writing under that tab. There will not be much to write about once next Friday comes. I am sure I will have updates from time to time, but soon it will be about the past eight years that will lead up to now.
Frustrating today about our mortgage. I can’t even get into details, but too many people not knowing what to do, trying to figure it out. Bottom line, not sure our mortgage will be paid by next Friday. I gave all of the information to our attorney who submitted it with the county attorney. I could say so much, better not. I can handle this myself, very frustrating. I have my documentation. Again, who pays me for my time and frustration?
Yep, no one. How many hours have I spent on documentation? Eight years of hours. I basically have been off the past two weeks besides going to continuing education and meetings. Who pays me for my time?
Exactly, no one.
Enough for tonight.