The Final Countdown~Update

I have to go retro-spec as I have not had internet service.  My last post was a week ago Thursday. I was going to write everyday execept we had a hiccup. My husband had called our phone service over a month ago, and they pushed out the change as far as they could.  They had told told him to call if we needed the date extended.

So many things to cordinate with a move…

Well, he forgot to call and our phone and computer was shut and moved to our rental.

Transition is hard.  This is exhausting. Then things came so fast.

We have until November 15th, 2013.  That is when the County owns our home officially due to eminent domain.

But, we had to move.  Today is October 25th, 2013 and I am exhausted.  We have been in the process of moving and it is awful.

Yesterday, I woke up to a lot of people in my home.  I showered and then went downstairs, everything was gone.

I went upstairs to my bathroom and cried.  I just cried.

And I thought of the people who made my fate.
