One week in our new house

Wow.  I do not know where the week went.  Packers came a week ago Wednesday, movers started last Thursday when I had my break down and I had continuing education last Friday for half a day.

Movers were done on Saturday and in between everything I have been unpacking and putting rooms together.  The movers were suppose to unpack us, but there is only so much they can unpack.  We had to tell them to stop because there was no room to put anything and we didn’t know where it was going to go.

So, we have been unpacking and putting things away.  I would guess at least for 10 hours each day. I also had meetings for half of Tuesday and half of Wednesday.  We are getting everything put away and donating a lot.  I thought we donated a lot before we moved, but now at a second chance, we are getting rid of more.  It actually feels good to lighten the load.  We all have too much stuff.  It is amazing at how much stuff we accumalate.

I haven’t been back to 4020 Shady Oak Road, my house until the 15th of November, since I came here last Thursday.  I feel good and have keep occupied with putting this house in order and going to my meetings for work.  Actually, I feel better than good, I am finally ready to move on. I have a new attitude and it is all good.

I loved my house.  My heart and soul went into my house.  We did so much work to our house and we were not offered anything near what it would take to buy a comparable or to build a similar size/quality/lot that we had.  But, the end finally came and I know I need to move on.

And, I have.  I really needed to get out of my condemmed home to move on.  I cannot believe how my anxiety went away by walking out the door.  It is crazy what this process does to you.  I do not wish this on anyone and I feel for those who go through this.

So many emotions over eight years.  So many people that shared our home during Holidays, dinner parties and events.  Two exchange students and their friends, all hanging out at the home everyone knew we were loosing.  People from around the globe have been at our house…

I know that I have only been able to do this because I have the best employees keeping my business up and running. They have been great and know that I have to get my house in order for me and my children.  I need to plan an awesome Holiday party for the office.  I can’t imagine if I was not self-employed.  The stress, the time, the move, all would have made me probably loose my job if I was working for someone else.

Okay, three of my “fab four” have called tonight.  I was on the phone for a while. Long enough for my husband to go to bed.
