It never ends

I thought I had the best ending to our saga.  I posted a video of the music group “the cranberries” with their song “here’s where the story ends” on Facebook.  It seemed perfect. For all of my friends, it was perfect.  I know my friends are not following my blog.  I am sure most haven’t looked at it for years.  No need to.  They talk to me and know my story.  This blog isn’t for them.  It is for me and you.

They (my friends) know me better than this.  Thank gosh they have been there for me.  I mean that so sincerely.

No, this blog is for you.  You that just realized it is real and they are going to take your home.

That was me.  Over ten years ago.  That was me.

I cannot believe what we went through. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and still think I am at 4020.  I know what it has done to others.  I have written about it.

My question is, why am I  getting so many people signing up? What are your questions?  I will answer, I am here.
